Tag Archives: rdo calendar

RDO Calender Development Update

Hello to anyone who actually reads this!

Unfortunately I don’t have the commitment to develop features at a steady pace. So enhancements wind up trickling in little by little as time goes by. Having said that, it seems that I’m currently on a spree and have been working on enhancements for RDO Calendar. Here’s some enhancements that were made recently:

  • Yearly Calendar View! This has been asked for by multiple people. There is now a link that will allow you to view the whole RDO year at once. I’m assuming it’s mostly used for printing. I’ve also optimized the print layout to fit on 2 pages if you print in landscape mode. Might have to shrink you margins a bit too.
  • Swipe right & left on mobile devices! If you’re on a smartphone you’ll no longer have to click the next/last month buttons, you can just swipe the month to go forward/back. This might work on touchscreen desktops too but I don’t have a good way of testing it.

I’ve got more features planned so stay tuned!

RDO Calendar Native Android App!

Yesterday I released the RDO Calendar android app version 2.0. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rdocalendar . This is the first real android app and not a web wrapper like it previously was. Although some features were skipped in favor of simplicity (holidays, pay days) I’m sure these will be added soon along with more fun stuff. Biggest gain is obviously the app now works offline. Hope you guys enjoy it!

RDO Calendar Android App!

Finally published an RDO Calendar app in the Google Play store. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rdocalendar Currently it’s just a simple web wrapper for the website but I’m working on a real version in the meantime. Be sure to check it out and tell your friends.

Launching rdocalendar.com

Due to recent legal matters I had to take down nypdcalendar.com. I promised to launch rdocalendar.com (Same thing, different name) but wanted to wait a bit so that I would release a better version.

Upon seeing my friend recently he reminded me that calendar services are still needed regardless of it being a new version or not. So without further ado I announce rdocalendar.com! Currently it’s the exact same thing, but to borrow a con ed slogan: “we’re on it!” Hopefully the slogan isn’t trademarked. I had enough with that as it is.